Prioritize needs and know the area of ​​interest. 

In addition to evaluating the size, the number of bathrooms and bedrooms, the finishes and finishes, and the common areas available, it is important to investigate the area well to determine whether it has the shops and services we need, such as schools, supermarkets, clinics, transportation, and shopping centres, among others. 

Consult real estate portals.  

Indeed, the Internet is a great ally when finding housing, therefore, we must consult several real estate portals to see the offers in our areas of interest. It is also pertinent to go out to see advertisements, tour facilities, and request the support of well-established and, if possible, unionized real estate agents. We can even take advantage of the virtual tours that some companies have of their departments to save time and consider various options. 

Compare prices and know the total costs.  

If we want to pay what is fair, it is best that we investigate prices to do a comparative analysis and thus have a better idea of ​​what is offered in the market. Likewise, we have to ask the advisor to total the costs of the purchase, which may include operational expenses, taxes, and fees, so as not to go overboard.  

Define where the money for the purchase will come from 

This should be done simultaneously with tracking purchase opportunities since knowing exactly how much money we will need makes it easier to evaluate payment alternatives. If we are going to opt for a mortgage loan, let’s go ahead and do simulations in several banks. This way, we will see which ones have the lowest interest rates and can verify the requirements they request. 

Know the actual situation of the property.  

When buying a home, we verify its characteristics to detect, for example, that the finishes of floors, doors, windows, and toilets are not flaws. Likewise, we must verify, among other details, that the measurements correspond to what is offered in the advertising, that the water and electricity services work correctly, and that the building has all the required construction permits.  

Choose well and ensure the purchase. 

After having completed the previous steps and, finally, leaning towards the most suitable property according to our needs and economic possibilities, what next? Specify the choice with a promise of sale, for which it will be necessary to request an appraisal of the property. Property, have a pre-approved or approved mortgage loan and pay the reservation and down payment on the home. 

Acquiring real estate may not be easy, but if we follow these recommendations to the letter, our effort will be worth it, and in less time than we imagine, we will be happy owners.

Searching for a property involves making the necessary visits until you connect with the place you want for yourself. Therefore, the recommendation is to consider various options, weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each, and pay them a visit. To be able to make the purchase, you must be able to view the location, the finishes, the space, and the surrounding area.

Acquiring a used property brings with it many benefits; the first is its immediate availability, as well as the existence of a comprehensive offer. These properties, unlike new homes, are located in urbanized areas with excellent locations. The length of use of the properties also varies considerably; there are old properties, some with barely a year of use.

One method to confirm the accuracy of the information they are providing you with about the property is to look up the property’s history using the Certificate of Freedom and Tradition. You can order this document from the Public Instruments Registry Office utilizing the home’s registration number, or you can request it directly from the seller.

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